On September 16, 2019, we received a call no parent wants to hear. Sawyer, a happy, energetic 3-year-old, had a seizure at daycare. It’s a call we will never forget.
We rushed him to St. Cloud Hospital Emergency Room after we picked him up. When we first saw him, it looked like he had just seen a ghost — white as a sheet and couldn’t talk. We were scared as to what had happened and what the outcome would be. After finding out that his blood results came back fine, the hospital sent us home on a strict 24-hour watch. If he had another episode then we would be flown down to Children’s Hospital in Minneapolis. Thankfully, that never happened and we were in the clear.
The following Wednesday, the 18th, we met with a pediatric neurologist. She did her testing and we were told Sawyer would need to continue to be on close watch. We had a follow-up on the 19th with his primary doctor to have him looked at for a third time to make sure nothing was missed. He would need an MRI and EEG the following week. We had no idea what to expect, let alone what was going to happen.
On the morning of the 26th, we woke up and Sawyer asked why dad (Bryce) was still home and why grandma was there. We headed to the hospital about 6:30 in the morning for check-in at 7:15. After exploring the room and getting checked in the Pediatric ICU department, we could finally breathe and get settled for the day. He was very interested in the mini toilet that was located in the room. He got right up on the bed and started to play with the toys we had brought with. He had no idea what was going on.
The nurses and doctors started to come in to get him prepped to be put under. First, they used a numbing medication on his hands for the IVs to be inserted. After those were placed, we were brought down to the MRI. They placed us in a small room while the Pediatric doctor was there to monitor Sawyer. He was then put to sleep shortly after. He did excellent during the MRI. 25 minutes later, they brought him and back up to the Pediatric ICU department. He looked lifeless — not moving — and peaceful. Once back in the room, they began the EEG test. It took about an hour.
After a long stressful day, the results came back fine. We were told one in 10 toddlers have a pediatric seizure for no reason.
Being a part of the Freightliner Team for less than a year and being able to apply for help with the Anderson Assistant Foundation helped cover bills that we had not expected. Thank you.
– Jennifer W.